As part of the re-development of Woburn Close by Bolsover District Council, the opportunity has arisen for Blackwell Parish Council to have a purpose-built state-of-the-art Community Centre for the parish, to replace the current Blackwell Community Centre.
Statement from Blackwell Parish Council regarding the Blackwell Community Centre Rebuild- 06/02/23
Following the extraordinary meeting on 31st January 2023, Blackwell Parish Council voted unanimously to terminate the project to rebuild Blackwell Community Centre as part of the Bolsover District Council redevelopment plans on Woburn Close.
The reason for this decision was down to the rise in interest rates (which would affect loan repayments) coupled with the rise in cost of materials, meaning that the rebuild would be not be financially viable without raising the precept (the Parish Council part of the Council Tax) a large amount again and putting the burden on residents.
The discussion also centred around the results of a survey which was undertaken on Blackwell Community Centre and indicated that with a careful upgrade and maintenance programme, the life of the centre could be a further twenty years. The full survey will be made available on the parish council website . (Please see documents link below)
Bolsover District Council have said that they would not knock down the current community centre if the new one was not going to go ahead.
The rise in the precept for 2022/23 which was intended to cover the first loan repayment on the rebuild, has already started to help with much needed maintenance at all three community centres – including current issues with the floor at Newton Community Centre.
There will be a slight rise in the precept for 2023/24 which will equate to a 7.01% increase on a band D property. This is to account for the rise in prices generally that will affect everyday elements of council activities and work.
The Council acknowledged that not raising the precept for a long time has contributed to this situation, and a point has been reached where the three community centres, six parks and playgrounds, and the two pavilions are now falling into various states of disrepair and need properly looking after.
Up to date information on what is happening in the parish will continue to be posted on the website and on the Blackwell Parish Council Facebook page (search for @Blackwellpc).
Documents relating to this statement:
Blackwell Parish Council statement regarding the Blackwell Community Centre rebuild- Feb 2023
Full survey for Blackwell Community Centre that was completed on 30/01/23
Following on from the meeting on the 23rd January it was decided that another meeting was needed. There will now be another Extraordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 31st January at 6pm at Hilcote Community Centre. The agenda can be found on the home page.
An Extraordinary Meeting on 23rd January at Blackwell Community Centre was held regarding the rebuild of Blackwell Community Centre. See agenda on the council documents page. There was a supporting document at this meeting that gave financial information regarding the rebuild, as well as information regarding what the precept is spent on. Please find this through this link: Supporting document with financial information regarding Blackwell Parish. Some of the information can also be found below.
Financial Information for 23rd January 2023
Original Plan
Cost: £1.2million (£1.1million build plus £100,000 to cover any anticipated costs)
Amount added to Precept (council tax) 2022/2023 for annual loan repayments: £33,692
Updated Financial Information
Estimated material costs of the new Community Centre at 05/12/2022. This doesn't account for further rises in material costs or other unexpected costs.
Proposed Community Centre: Lowest Estimate was £1.2million and Highest Estimate was £1.3million
Projected Annual Loan Repayments (at 13.01.23)
Original costs (allowing £100k for adjustments): £1.2million with Annual repayments of £61,432.70
New costs (allowing £100k for adjustments): £1.4million with Annual repayments of £71,671.50
NB: As inflation rises, the cost of repayments rise. This impacts on the Precept.
All houses in the Blackwell Parish had questionnaires delivered to them so that public opinion could be gauged. Of the 108 surveys returned, 79 were in favour of the rebuild of the community centre. 29 were NOT in favour. Respondents were most keen to use the Post Office (59), Cafe (60) or attend Evening Events (53) in the new Community Centre. There were several comments raised about subjects such as car parking, transport from other Parish Villages to the new Community Centre. Please see the full survey results from Blackwell Parish here.
Local Community Groups who already use the Parish Community Centres were also given questionnaires to gauge their opinions. There were 7 respondents. 6 were in favour, 1 was undecided with split votes amongst their users. Please see their consultation results here.
There were a number of Committee and Extraordinary meetings held during the Consultation Period. The minutes for these meetings can be found below:
Special Parish Council Meeting- Thursday 26th May 2022
Special Parish Council Meeting- Wednesday 22nd June 2022 DRAFT
Rebuild of Blackwell Community Centre Committee- Monday 11th July 2022 DRAFT
Rebuild of Blackwell Community Centre Committee- Wednesday 27th July 2022 DRAFT
You can find the planning application here if you input the Application number: 22/00380/FUL
Rebuild of Blackwell Community Centre Committee met on Monday 11th July 2022, 7pm at Hilcote Community Centre. Agenda
To pay for the new community centre, Blackwell Parish Council is seeking permission from the Secretary of State and needs public support, hence a parish survey, to apply for a fixed rate loan from the Public Works Loan Board, to be repaid over fifty years. Assuming that is successful, the repayments will be made using the precept (council tax).
As part of the consultation process, to gauge public support for the Community Centre, Blackwell Parish Council had a questionnaire delivered to all houses in Blackwell Parish to share with residents some of the ideas that could go into a new community centre, to ask for parish input on what residents would like to see and what residents would use in a new community centre if the development were to go ahead.
Among the ideas that are in the mix are:
As part of this consultation, Councillors and staff were available to talk to and ask questions at the following times and locations:
Friday 24th June 2022 - Hilcote Community Centre - feel free to pop into the parish office between 9am-2pm
Sunday 26th June 2022 - Blackwell Community Centre - at the Blackwell Youth Club Summer Fair 10.30am-1.30pm
Sunday 26th June 2022 - Pop along to the gazebo on Westhouses Recreation Ground, 11am-2pm
Tuesday 28th June 2022 - Blackwell Community Centre during BRAG Café, 9am-12noon
Saturday 9th July 2022 - Charnwood Recreation Ground at Newton Carnival
The Post Office will still operate out of the new community centre.
Please note that Blackwell Parish Council can’t promise that all suggestions will be included in the plans for the new community centre as there is a limit to space and funding available.
As the new community centre will be incorporated into the Woburn Close Redevelopment, the intention is that the old centre will remain in use for community groups whilst it is being built. Current projections suggest that it will be ready to move into in 2024.
Any updates on the progress of the new parish community centre will be included in future Parish Newsletters and posted on this page of the website ( and on the Blackwell Parish Council Facebook page (just search for @blackwellpc).
The only part of the Woburn Close Redevelopment that Blackwell Parish Council is involved in and has any responsibility for is the rebuild of Blackwell Community Centre. If you have any questions that relate to anything else, including Woburn House and the bungalows, please contact Bolsover District Council.
This website was last updated Wednesday 19th February 2025
Copyright Blackwell Parish Council (C) 2024
Free dog poop bags are available from the Parish Council offices, the Parish Ranger and the Post Office at Blackwell Community Centre.
Blackwell Parish Council
Blackwell Community Centre,
Woburn Close, Blackwell, ALFRETON, Derbyshire DE55 5HH
01773 580002