Following the extraordinary meeting on 31st January 2023, Blackwell parish Council voted unanimously to terminate the project to rebuild Blackwell Community Centre as part of the Bolsover District Council redevelopment plans on Woburn Close.
The reason for this decision was down to the rise in interest rates (which would affect the loan repayments) coupled with the rise in cost of materials, meaning that the rebuild would not be financially viable without raising the precept (the Parish Council part of the Council Tax) a large amount again and putting the burden on residents.
The discussion also centred around the results of a survey which was undertaken on Blackwell Community Centre and indicated that with a careful upgrade and maintenance programme, the life of the centre could be a further twenty years.
Bolsover District Council have said that they would not knock down the current community centre if the new one was not going to go ahead.
The rise in the precept for 2022/23, which was intended to cover the first loan repayment on the rebuild, has already started to help with much needed maintenance at all three community centres – including current issues with the floor at Newton Community Centre.
There will be a slight rise in precept for 2023/24 which will equate to a 7.01% increase on a band D property. This is to account for the rise in prices generally that will affect everyday elements of council activities and work.
The Council acknowledged that not raising the precept for a long tome has contributed to this situation and a point has been reached where the three community centres, six parks and playgrounds and the two pavilions are now falling into various states of disrepair and need properly looking after.
Up-to-date information on what is happening in the parish will continue to be posted on the website and on the Blackwell Parish Council Facebook page (search for @Blackwellpc).
Documents relating to this statement:
Blackwell Parish Council statement regarding the Blackwell Community Centre rebuild- Feb 2023
Full survey for Blackwell Community Centre that was completed on 30/01/23
In response to the reaction of our Parishioners to the increase in the Parish Precept on the Council Tax Bills, the members of Blackwell Parish Council have released a statement to explain the situation.
One of the main reasons for this increase is that at the time of our Budget Meeting (which was held in January, to meet our Legal requirements) in which the spending priorities for the next financial year are agreed. Council had planned to rebuild the Community Centre at Blackwell as part of the Bolsover District Council Woburn Close redevelopment. This would have required significant borrowing, and the repayments for the first year of this Loan had been built into our Precept demand.
However, due to the current climate and the impact this was having on development costs, it has since been decided not to proceed with the rebuild. The reasoning for this decision reversal, was concern about the costs spiralling further which could have resulted in the need to borrow more in the future which in turn would have impacted again on our parishioners Council Tax bills.
This money will now need to be spent on essential repairs to Blackwell Community Centre which have been delayed as we believed that the Centre was to be demolished. Also in the Council Tax increase is an allowance towards the initial costs of installing a football pitch and building a pavilion at Westhouses Memorial Playing Fields, the Council will also seek grant funding towards this project.
Council appreciate that that the timing of this increase is unfortunate, but when these decisions were taking place the subsequent rises in the overall cost of living could not have been foreseen.
Blackwell Parish Council
Remembrance Sunday Service
Newton Community Centre
Service at 10.30am
Laying of Wreaths at the memorial at 11am
Service held by Robert Needham, accompanied by Organist Robin Norman.
The Red K6 phone boxes were installed at Newton and Westhouses in January, and at the start of February the brand new defibrillators were housed in them.
Training has now been arranged to teach parishioners how to use the defibrillators proplerly in order to save lives - please see the information below.
The official consultation period for the Highways Licence regarding the planned Blackwell red phone box has now finished (with no objections), Blackwell Parish Council has received the licence, and the order has been placed for the K6 phone box.
Following the Blackwell phone box being placed in situ, the defibrillator installation will be arranged and then another defibrillator training session will be organised. Keep an eye out for this being announced.
In response to the reaction of our Parishioners to the increase in the Parish Precept on the Council Tax Bills, the members of Blackwell Parish Council have released a statement to explain the situation.
One of the main reasons for this increase is that at the time of our Budget Meeting (which was held in January, to meet our Legal requirements) in which the spending priorities for the next financial year are agreed. Council had planned to rebuild the Community Centre at Blackwell as part of the Bolsover District Council Woburn Close redevelopment. This would have required significant borrowing, and the repayments for the first year of this Loan had been built into our Precept demand.
However, due to the current climate and the impact this was having on development costs, it has since been decided not to proceed with the rebuild. The reasoning for this decision reversal, was concern about the costs spiralling further which could have resulted in the need to borrow more in the future which in turn would have impacted again on our parishioners Council Tax bills.
This money will now need to be spent on essential repairs to Blackwell Community Centre which have been delayed as we believed that the Centre was to be demolished. Also in the Council Tax increase is an allowance towards the initial costs of installing a football pitch and building a pavilion at Westhouses Memorial Playing Fields, the Council will also seek grant funding towards this project.
Council appreciate that that the timing of this increase is unfortunate, but when these decisions were taking place the subsequent rises in the overall cost of living could not have been foreseen.
The flagpole on Newton Community Centre has provided outstanding service to the community over the years but has seen better days, and the decision was taken at a recent Parish Council meeting that not only should the Newton flagpole be replaced, but that flagpoles should also be installed at Blackwell, Hilcote and Westhouses.
The process for costing the project has begun, and whilst it was agreed that the Newton flagpole that is being replaced outside the community centre, should stay at the same ocation (as it is at a central point, on the main road and near the memorial), the question remains as to where the flagpoles for Blackwell, Hilcote and Westhouses should be installed. This is where we need your help.
The Parish Council are looking for suggestions for placement in each of the villages. Considerations could include:
· that the flag pole will need to be visible to lots of people (possibly on busy routes);
· preferably somewhere it can be installed into soft ground (it makes the project more cost-efficient, and easier to install);
· Is the location somewhere of significance to the village...
If you have any ideas, please visit our Facebook page - @Blackwellpc (there is a link at the bottom of this page) - and look for the Flagpole Project post pinned to the top of the page to have your say (and give us a ‘Like’ whilst you are there!).
Alternatively, you can e-mail your suggestions to Kate via - just put the subject as ‘Flagpole Project’ and include which village you live in, please.
Thank you
The Christmas lights have been put up and can now be seen across the parish lighting up the dark autumnal and winter nights and bringing a touch of seasonal cheer...
A socially distanced laying of wreaths took place at the war memorials in Newton and Westhouses on Remembrance Sunday.
The Last Post was played in Newton by Rob Drakeley (see video below).
Mrs Glennis Willoughby and part of the Newton Methodist Church Craft and Chat Group knitted over 100 poppies, which were placed around the memorial in Newton.
It is with a heavy heart that this years Remembrance Service will not take place due to the Covid loockdown.
At 11am on Sunday 8th November the Last Post will be played.
Wreaths will be layed across our Parish by your Parish Councillors in Remembrance of the fallen.
At 11am, please have aminute silence.
We Will Remember Them.
Thank you.
The gates of the war memorial will be open all day on Sunday and again on the 11th for individuals wishing to lay personal tributes.
In response to Marcus Rashford's Campaign to provide lunches to families affected by the Pandemic, Blackwell Parish Council will be providing Free Packed Lunches for Children who live in our Parish on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th October 2020. They will be available for collection between 11am and 12noon from Blackwell, Hilcote and Newton Community Centres, and the Station Hotel in Westhouses. Please text either Jayne on 07912 950520 or Dexter on 07881 562354 to reserve your lunch. Please also let us know which location you will collect from. Let us know by Tuesday 5pm to enable us to prepare. Thank you.
Blackwell Parish Council working for the Community.
30/10/2020 - update
In response to Marcus Rashford's Campaign to provide lunches to families affected by the Pandemic, Blackwell Parish Council, in the last two days, packed up 100 Free Packed Lunches for Children who live in our Parish, which were made available for colection from venues in each of the four villages.
The spare food that was remaining after the lunches were made, has been donated to the food bank in South Normanton.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen.
The DALC Derbyshire Excellence Awards is an annual DALC (Derbyshire Association of Local Councils) awards scheme which celebrates the outstanding work done across Derbyshire by parish and town councils. There are three independently assessed categories: Councillor of the Year, Clerk of the Year and Council of the Year.
Yesterday, at the virtual DALC Annual General Meeting, it was announced that Blackwell Parish Councils Dexter Bullock has been named Councillor of the Year and Jayne Simpson has been named as Clerk of the Year. It is the first time that two of the three awards have been presented to the same council.
Jayne was presented with her certificate at a social distance by Garry Brown and Katherine Owen of Blanchere Illuminations.
Photographs were taken at a safe distance at Blackwell Community Centre.
Congratulations, Jayne and Dexter!
Council of the Year was won by Ripley Town Council. This year, the awards were sponsored by BHIB Councils Insurance and Blachere Illumination.
Because of the current need for social distancing, Blackwell Parish Council have been holding their meetings virtually. We will still be advertising the dates of meetings and publishing Agendas and Minutes online, they can be found on the
Council Documents page.
Welcome to the new Blackwell Parish Council website - the new one stop shop for all things relating to Blackwell Parish Council and the local community. If you are a member of a local community group and would like to be added to the community contacts page, please e-mail Kate on Thank you.
This website was last updated on Friday 17th January 2025
Copyright Blackwell Parish Council (C) 2024
Free dog poop bags are available from the Parish Council offices, the Parish Ranger and the Post Office at Blackwell Community Centre.
Blackwell Parish Council
Blackwell Community Centre,
Woburn Close, Blackwell, ALFRETON, Derbyshire DE55 5HH
01773 580002