Blackwell, Old Blackwell, Hilcote, Newton and Westhouses have a thriving community spirit with lots of local groups and organisations contributing to the rich life of the parish. Please find below a list and contact details for some of these groups.
If you are in a local community group and would like to be added, please contact Becky via . Thank you.
Please find links to other organisations which may be of interest at the bottom of the page.
When: Monday Evenings:
First Session: 5pm to 6.30pm - ages 5 to 11 years
Second Session: 6.30pm to 8pm - ages 8 to 16 years
Blackwell Community Centre
What we do: A voluntary run youth club with a wide range of activities, with a Tuck Shop serving sweets, drinks and hot tuck.
Cost: £1 per session, plus extra for tuck. All children to register on first visit.
Contact: For more information, contact Karen on 07814 383901.
Find us on Facebook: Blackwell Youth Club
Take a look at our website.
When: Various events throughout the year
and the Parish of Blackwell
What we do: Newton Carnival Team was formed in 1999. We organise community events to engage and bring the community together.
Our events include: a plant and garden fayre; summer carnival; scarecrow festival; bonfire and fireworks; Christmas fayre and village lights switch on; afternoon tea with Santa; and Santa's visit to the parish.
Team Meetings:
Held at The New Inn, Newton, every second week
Contact: Dexter Bullock on 07881 562354 or
Keep a look out on our Facebook page for updates.
When: Various
What we do: Newton Community Association exists to improve the wellbeing of residents through community activity. A wide variety of projects are undertaken, including litter picking and bulb planting, all funded by social events. Every resident of Newton is automatically a member, and the committee welcome those who would like to take an active part in organising events. We also operate a Facebook page for residents to share details of community events and items of local interest in Newton, from all groups, organisations and residents.
Contact: For more information, contact
When: Every Thursday (during term time), 1pm-3pm
Where: Newton Community Centre (Currently at Newton Methodist Churh, while Community Centre floor being repaired).
What we do: A great place for Mums, Dads, Carers and Toddlers to make new friends. For babies to School age.
Cost: £2
Contact: for more information call 07783 645194
First Wednesday of the month. 10am to 12noon, preceded by a short morning prayer service at 9.30am
Newton Community Centre
What we do: A short morning prayer service followed by a coffee morning. There is a cake stall, bric-a-brac and a raffle. Everyone welcome.
Contact: Barbara on 01773 873283
When: Meet every Monday from 7pm-9pm
(Summer break until 7.9.23, then through to Christmas).
Newton Community Centre
(Currently at Newton Methodist Churh, while Community Centre floor being repaired).
What we do: We are a social club for the residents of Blackwell Parish with Quality Entertainment, sometimes Bingo. Over 50’s is our normal age range but any age can attend. Membership is not required but it does give discounts on parties and other events.
Cost: The cost is £2.50 per meeting with optional raffle at 25p per strip. membership costs £15 for the year March to December (optional) as we do not open in January and February. Transport is available at £3 per night
Contact: Contact Melvyn or Barbara on 01773 873414 for more details.
When: Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9am - 12noon
Where: Blackwell Community Centre
What we do: Coffee mornings with hot and cold drinks, cakes and snacks available for sale at reasonable prices. We also hold raffles, bingo sessions and have second-hand books for sale. It's a great place to meet with friends and have a chat.
Cost: Free to drop in, reasonable prices for the drinks and snacks
Contact: Find us on Facebook: where you can also see details of our other events and activities throughout the year
When: Various
Where: Westhouses
What we do: The WCA are a group of volunteers who are interested in all things community based. They developed the group some 6 years ago and have delivered a variety of projects and displays in Westhouses over the years for everyone to enjoy. Some of the group are actively involved in frequent yarn bombing at different times of the year, Easter, Halloween, Christmas etc. We are currently working on turning an overgrown piece of land into a small community garden, somewhere where people can meet up and have a chat or take in the quiet scenery while resting. We also attend local community events to raise funds for our projects. As we do not have a building to facilitate meetings, we meet outside once a week (in the summertime) and hold our coffee mornings. Bottomless refills are available at a small cost, and we also hold regular raffles. We send out newsletters to keep residents informed of local events and we also run a Facebook page for local information to be shared. New volunteers are always welcome and if you would like to get involved with any of our projects, we would love to hear from you.
Contact us on: Facebook: Westhouses Community Association
OR email:
Unity Concert Band
When: Tuesday evenings 7.30pm-9.45pm
Where: Blackwell Community Centre
What we do: A friendly community wind band, rehearsing and performing regular concerts locally. Instrumentation includes brass, woodwind and percussion.
Please find below links to other local organisations and events that may be of use.
Please note that the inclusion of these links on the Blackwell Parish Council website does not in any way signify endorsement of any product or service by Blackwell Parish Council. The information on this list is designed to provide general information. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate, but the Parish Council does not take any liability for errors or omissions.
Remember the steps you need to take to be able to vote in the local elections this May seen above. If you need more information, please see the booklet linked below.
Booklet about what you need to do to vote.
Discover effective Drug and Alocohol rehabs in Derbyshire
Practical Advice on how to stay safe online.
Derbyshire Dementia Support Services
Alzheimer's Society deliver information, care navigation, advice and support, along with group activities, for people affected by dementia in Derbyshire.
The Post Office provides an essential service - find your local branch by following the link above.
Don't forget that Post Office Services are available at Blackwell Community Centre on a Tuesday and Thursday morning.
Welfare Benefits
Are you getting what you are entitled to? Do you need some help understanding what you might be entitled to and how to go about it?
Derbyshire County Council Welfare benefits help
Cost of Living Support
Do you need support with the rising costs of living? There is a website with help.
Disretionary Housing Payment (DHP) information:
Are you in receipt of Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit?
Struggling to meet the shortfall between these payments and your rental charge?
Perhaps a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) can help you.
Please visit this website for more information and to apply to Bolsover District Council: Paragraph
Do you need help to do more online?
Derbyshire libraries can help. You can book a 1:1 appointment by asking at your local library or calling 01629 533444
Attachment for Derbyshire Libraries document.
Also you can find help with Digital Skills Training support. See the poster here for more information about how to get support.
Poster about digital training support
Derbyshire Community Transport
Did you know that Derbyshire County Council run Derbyshire Connect who can you reach shopping/healthcare appointments?
Derbyshire Connect Shopping
Derbyshire Connect Shopping service provides a weekly shopping journey from every community in the county to a local town centre and or major supermarket for people unable to use conventional buses because of age, disability or because they live in areas where public transport is limited.
The services provide gate to gate transport using a wheelchair accessible vehicle and passenger assistants are available, on request, for anyone needing extra help.
They run weekdays, generally between 9am and 4pm and need to be booked in advance. There are no weekend services.
Gold Card holders can use Derbyshire Connect services free-of-charge. Other passengers are charged a flat rate fare of £3.50 single or £6 return.
Derbyshire Connect Shopping North and East
This service is run by Derbyshire Community Transport (DCT) in the north and east of the county. It covers the Amber Valley, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Erewash and North East Derbyshire district and borough council areas.
Booking line tel: 01773 746652 from 8.30am to 4pm on Monday to Friday, or email Book between one and 7 days before you want to travel.
If you need to use a wheelchair please mention this when booking.
You can find more about Derbyshire Connect and booking using the link here
Derbyshire Connect Access to Health
Derbyshire Connect Access to Health services provide transport to healthcare appointments for people unable to use conventional buses because of age, disability or because they live in areas where public transport is limited.
Services are door-to-door proving transport to hospital appointments, GP surgeries, health centres, clinics, dentists, opticians, chemists, physiotherapists and any other medical appointments. Passenger assistants are available, on request, for anyone needing extra help.
These services run weekdays, generally between 9am and 5pm, although other journeys may be possible outside of these times. They need to be booked in advance, giving as much notice as possible. There are no weekend services.
Derbyshire Connect Access to Health uses volunteer cars and accessible vehicles able to carry passengers using wheelchairs.
Charges vary depending on how far you travel. You will be advised of the fare when booking.
Please share with all who may find this service useful.
Mental Health and Wellbeing resources
The Mental Health and Suicide Prevention team at Public Health Derbyshire have created some useful documents to support Derbyshire residents in their time of need.
Traffic Light poster- this gives three levels of contact depending on what your need is.
Wellbeing booklet - This contains lots of contact information for who and where to go for support with different mental health needs.
If you'd like support to lower your drinking during Dry January then why not download the Lower My Drinking App?
It offers FREE advice and help for anyone who'd like to decrease their alcohol intake.
Find the Lower My Drinking app here:
Treacle- Helping you through those tricky times is a quick and easy to use website and app where you can find all kinds of help and suport to help you through those sticky times.
We all know which website to use if we want to buy food online, we know which apps to use to find a date or play games but what about the other things we need help with?
A brilliant and easy to use website and app has been launched to cover Bolsover District called Treacle. It gathers informatino about local support groups as well as national charitieis and organisations into one site. It includes services that are tailored to specific groups like carers or teenagers, or which relate to specific areas of physical or mental health such as weight loss or mood issues.
Check out Treacle today and you might be surprised at what you can find, right on your doorstep.
DIgital Inclusion resources
New Derbyshire Digital Inclusion Referral Map by Rural Action Derbyshire offers vital support for those wanting to get online.
A brand new Digital Inclusion Referral Map has launched, providing a comprehensive, interactive list of the places where people can find support to safely and reliably connect to the internet across Derbyshire. Access this by visiting the web page on this link Get Online in Derbyshire | Rural Action Derbyshire
Our closest places to access Digital Inclusion Resources are at South Normanton Library or Alfreton Library.
Do you own an E-Scooter? Do you know the laws around riding one? Derbyshire Police have created an information leaflet around this.
Report a Crime
Did you know that you can report crimes online?
There is also advice on the page for whether you need to call one of the emergency numbers or if reporting something online is sufficient.
Here is the link to the Derbyshire 'Report a Crime' page
How to you keep burglars in the dark?
Information website link on 'How to keep Burglars in the dark'
This website was last Tuesday 25th March 2025
Copyright Blackwell Parish Council (C) 2025
Free dog poop bags are available from the Parish Council offices, the Parish Ranger and the Post Office at Blackwell Community Centre.
Blackwell Parish Council
Blackwell Community Centre,
Woburn Close, Blackwell, ALFRETON, Derbyshire DE55 5HH
01773 580002