Blackwell Parish Newsletter

Blackwell Parish Newsletter

Blackwell Parish Newsletter is a quarterly publication produced by Blackwell Parish Council. It is filled with articles from the Parish Council and contributions from local community groups and organisations with news of what is happening locally and dates for your diary, and is delivered freely to all houses in the Parish of Blackwell. 

The copies of the newsletter linked on this page are all in PDF format and aren't accessibility friendly. If you need a copy in large print, please contact the Admin Assistant via

The current issue...

The current copy of the Blackwell Parish Newsletter is the Spring 2024 edition. This can be seen by clicking the link below.

Blackwell Parish Council Autumn 2024 Newsletter

The next issue will be coming this autumn...

 Blackwell Parish Council logo

Deadlines for the next newsletter...

The next newsletter deadline is TBC.

If you are in a local community group and have any news or upcoming events that you would like to share in the next newsletter and would like to submit any information in advance, or would just like to know more, please contact Becky via Thank you. 


In order to help encourage the use of local businesses and help to pay for the production of the Blackwell Parish Newsletter, a certain amount of space is reserved for adverts. 


Full Page - £50    /    Half Page - £28    /    Quarter Page - £15

They are placed on a first come, first served basis and are dependant on space available. For more information, contact Becky via

Newsletter Disclaimer

Please note that the inclusion of any advertisements in the Blackwell Parish Newsletter does not in any way signify the endorsement of any product or service by Blackwell Parish Council. The material and information in the newsletters is designed to provide general information. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate, but Blackwell Parish Council does not take any liability for any errors or omissions. 

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